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The third episode of the explainatorium is about a big problem that gets worse from year to year: plasticwaste in the ocean.

Our everyday life can hardly be imagined without plastic. Whether a straw, shopping bag or water bottle. The flexible all-rounder can be found in countless products and packaging. 400 million tons of plastic are produced every year and a far too large part of it ends up in the sea after a single use. And here it leaves a lasting impression. The remnants of our throwaway society kill up to 135,000 marine mammals and a million sea birds every year. The animals starve to death with stomachs full of plastic, old fishing nets become deadly traps for whales and dolphins. When plastic slowly decomposes in salt water, dangerous ingredients are released that can have a lasting effect on the genetic make-up and the hormonal balance of many marine life.

So that something changes, we have to change our consumption and throw-away behavior. As a suggestion we present the big marine litter top ten in the latest episode of the Explainatorium! Have fun watching!

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